We undertook an on-site PR consultancy at the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for 3 months. KAPSARC is an energy thinktank that researches key issues like economics, water and renewables. The KAPSARC project was initiated by the late King Abdullah, who wanted it to help the Kingdom.
Strategic PR Consultant
The KAPSARC development project is still ongoing but is now in the latter stages of development and is readying for launch. The Leadership team, headed by KAPSARC President Samer AlAshgar, is examining suitable marketing and PR strategies for the Center. Our main objective was to research and write a strategic PR and marketing plan outlining future actions for an international reputation and brand building campaign.
Our plan examined areas including online and offline marketing, online and offline PR, a website re-design to include Search Engine Optimisation, social media and analytics reports. No further information can be disclosed a this time due to client confidentiality. We completed and handed in our plan to the Leadership team in late 2014. Early feedback indicates we will be invited to implement recommendations, pending further internal discussions.
KAPSARC community
We really valued the time and trouble all of the office and facilities staff took to make us feel welcome and at home in the KAPSARC community, which we were told by British Ambassador Chris Goth is without doubt the most modern and well-equipped of all the accommodation he has seen in Riyadh. Moreover, we appreciate the chance to work in a very mixed cultural environment and being able to experience day-to-day life in Saudi Arabia has been unique opportunity.
If you’re looking for a PR and marketing advisor to undertake an on-site consultancy in the Middle East, why not contact us? We would love to produce a strategic PR report for your company. In the meantime, we hope to return to KAPSARC in the future.